Music 17 Discussion points
Jim Grippo W03
1. Who is Umm Kulthum? Where was she from? What type of education/musical training did she have growing up?
2. Why is she considered to be the greatest and most beloved Egyptian/Arab singer (what statements/descriptions do people make to describe this)?
3. With whom did she associate/align herself with?
4. How does Umm Kulthums music affect peoples lives?
5. Who listens to Umm Kulthum? or which generation group?
Umm Kulthum Recordings in Arts Library
Ana fi anta Zarak XCD 7552
Fakir lamma kuntu janabi XCD 7548
Sahran li-Wahdi XCD 7551
Salamuni al-Nass XCD 7547
The Film
Umm Kulthum: A Voice Like Egypt. 1996. In Curriculum Lab: Media Collection
ML420.U46 U46 1996